12/05 PCL Bargaining Update

Bargaining Update:

Last week’s bargaining session was canceled by City negotiators. This was one of many recent bargaining sessions where the City had committed to providing us with their complete financial package, then failed to deliver. The City’s team has since said those financials along with responses to other outstanding issues will be presented in Mediation on December 6th. At this point, we will believe it when we see it. 

The PCL bargaining team has never wavered in our commitment to doing the work of bargaining at the table. However, even with the participation of a state mediator, we do not expect the City to provide us with the financial and personal security our members need without more pressure applied outside of negotiations. That is why we asked you all to vote for strike authorization. It’s why we are accelerating down the legal pathway that could lead to a strike. It is why we are asking everyone who works under this contract to show up in a way that the City can’t ignore. 

Strike Committees:

In preparation for the work of a possible strike, the PCL bargaining unit is forming strike committees to perform the necessary work of preparing us for that event. Members of these committees will work hand in hand with union staff, the E-board, and bargaining team to shape strategy for our bargaining campaign. When necessary these positions will have union leave offered to perform this important work. Committee work falls into 4 categories: 

The Hardship Committee will create and maintain the system for distributing resources to members in need during a strike. They will build a process for people to petition for Union financial aid, connect members with pre-existing resources, and be available to members to speak to their financial issues. 

The Communications Committee will manage our message with the public and organizations external to LiUNA. This means handling our social media and engagement with traditional media. They will also spearhead our communications with other unions, sympathetic organizations, and business partners throughout the community.

The Logistics Committee will ensure all our internal organizing and communication is effective. Collecting bargaining unit contact information, creating phone trees with full lines of responsibility, making sure everyone stays informed, keeping track of supplies, connecting labor actions together to share resources, making sure there is clear understanding of individual member responsibilities and anything else that needs to be done. 

The Action Committee is the frontline of strike planning. Organizing picket lines, selecting precinct captains, scheduling shifts, planning labor actions, sharing the ground level view to the logistics committee, and making certain we all hold strong. 

The core of our Hardship Committee has already been established but we are still open for volunteers for the Communications, Logistics, and Labor Action teams.

Anyone interested in being on a committee should contact the LiUNA 483 offices or Field Rep James O’Laughlen directly. [ james@liuna483.org (503) 735-7573 ] 

Parks Info Picket:

Kerby Yard Info Picket, 11/17

Thank you to everyone who came out in the cold and wind for our pickets at Kerby Yard and the Columbia Treatment Plant. It was great to see PCL come out in numbers to demand the contract we deserve. Now it’s time to show Parks that same spirit!

This week we will be in front of Tabor Yard Thursday evening from 3:00-5:30 pm. Come enjoy snacks and solidarity with your fellow union members. Workers from across the contract, friends, family, and allies are all welcome. Dress for rain. Warm drinks and rain cover will be provided. Join us to show the boss you are fighting for a fair contract!

Parks Thursday December 8th  3-5:30 PM
6437 SE Division Street Portland , OR 97215